Perceptual Basis for Architectural Design
In this lesson i learned that buildings represent a form of communication, a language, therefore in their own way they have vocabularies, syntax, and evolve into forms taking basis in the old ones or contrasting them. A building that reaches to contain communication in themselves and express them gently and elegantly are considered good architecture.
Architects may communicate concerns through buildings by emphasising some forms and suppressing others. They have several ways architects use to communicate: visual communication which includes light direction, strength, and colour is the primary and clearest form of perception. After that comes temperature, humidity and texture. The image that the building communicates is crucial because the image influences the attitude and behavior of the users of the building. The architect should formulate a hierarchical list depending on the importance of the concepts to the users of the building. Next comes choosing the design technique and then deciding smaller things , which have to be fitted together to create a unified architectural form.
There are three important questions that must be asked when designing a building
- Is the meaning of the building related its form or image?
- Is the relative meaning expressed?
- Is there a logical order of building construction that will develop this images visually while providing good physical enclosure?
The building program
the building program is developed by a professional architect which include the requirements of activity spaces based on the use of the space or the fit of the site, room shapes and sizes. They take in consideration who uses the space and for how long, also the equipment needed and environmental control management.
Building type
There are a lot of categories in which one can place a building. They can be grouped in categories such as schools, banks, hospitals, mosques, churches etc. Each building has its own special function to the society and it also has traditional pace in the content of this society.
A building site must be critically viewed for its potential to reinforce the activites within the building. Site analysis consists in soil bearing capacity, surface water drainage, access to utilities. vehicular and pedestrian access.
The architect's style
Stye is the distinctive qualities of form of a project that allow us to group them as representatives of an individual's or group's effort.
Environmental and behavioral studies
Researches on environment and human behavior are important for architectural statements because they can predict behavior in a space as it is designed.
Building technology
Technology has had an important impact on architectural design. What must be considered is the importance of the visual expression of the selected technology together with the elements of the building program and type, the site and the architects style.
Visual ordering technique
Proximity Diagramming is an useful analysis technique that is useful in generating a preliminary sense of the building's potential form. Proximity has two hierarchies:
- Scale of the different spaces of the diagram, with the larger element having more importance.
- The location of the elements within a sequence of spaces.
Human mind is structured to perceive the environment is a way that organizes our visual field into distinct and related parts. This area that studies this phenomena is called "gestalt psychology", the different pattern organizations we perceive are called "gestalts".
Figure-ground relationship is visible when figures are seen as being on ground and are what we organise our view and understanding of the physical environment around.
The following ate the gestalts that have the widest range of application in the design field.
- Center of Gravity
- Configuration
- Similarity
- Proximity
- Symmetry
- Closure and Ground Continuation
- Form reproduction
- Vignettes
- Archetypes
- Patterns
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