Daylight and Color in Architecture
Daylight is constantly changing and it cannot be controlled by the architect. However it can be used to create different spatial effects by changing the size and location of its openings. There are three main openings from which light can enter a room: The bright open hall. Consists of just a roof supported by columns. offers a variety of lighting effects in different parts of the room. To most people good light means much light.But the quantity of the light is not as important as the quality of the light.A front light is considered poor light because it gives minimum shadow, no plastic effect and poor textural effect. The room with the skylight.It is closed in all the sides and opened at the top. It can be planned so the light is equally good in all parts of the room. One of the most important examples is the Pantheon. The room with the light entering from the side. This is the most common type of room. A typical example are Dutch houses. Light comes from differen...