-week 2

What is architecture?

Some people say architecture as an ornament  or an embellishment added to a building which has no structural necessity. But these definitions are wrong. I personally agree with Vitrovius who said: "Architecture is a science involving much more discipline, mental training and deep knowledge." So architecture is the master-art which governs all subsidiary work. according to him there are two important elements, fabrica et ratiocinanto, which means a knowledge of practical building work and the application. After reading more i came to the conclusion that architecture was developed from structural necessities and it does not consist in beautifying the building, but in building beautifully. In the end Architecture is the poetry of construction.

The meaning of art.

Art is and elusive term and it is difficult to explain. The word art is mostly associated with those arts we distinguish as plastic or visual. Art is an attempt to create pleasing forms that satisfy our sense of beauty. Any theory about is must begin with the supposition that man responds to the shape, surface and mass of things present to his senses, and that certain arrangements result in a pleasurable sensation. The sense of pleasurable relations is the sense of beauty. This does not mean art is equal to beauty. Beauty is more about giving pleasure and art is more intuitive. Art is an idealization of nature, the whole process of life and movement which includes man.  Although a work of art always involves a pattern, not all kinds of patterns are works of art. a work of art implies a certain degree of complexity. So the work of art is defined as a pattern informed by sensibility. A pattern implies some degree of regularity within a limited frame of reference. The work of art has an imaginary point of reference and around this point everything is distributed in such a way that they rest in perfect equilibrium and the aim of the modes is harmony. Harmony is the satisfaction of our sense of beauty. The form of a work of art is it's shape. and as soon as there is form there is shape.
in conclusion, an artist sees the object in front of him in it's universal implications


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